Little Resurrections

Image Source: Flying in the Spirit As we encounter Easter, we can't help but consider the topic of resurrection. Most Christians believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, 3 days after his death on the cross at Calvary. However, for many Christians, Jesus' resurrection is merely a historical fact, much like the fact that Jan van Riebeck arrived in the Cape of Southern Africa in 1652 or the fact that Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990. The problem with merely thinking of the resurrection as an historical fact is that it has no significance in our lives today. However, just like the arrival of van Riebeck and the release of Mandela had long-lasting implications for the Nation of South Africa, so the resurrection of Christ also has long-lasting implications in the lives of believers today. What difference does the Resurrection make in your life? I believe that still today, Christ is bringing little resurrections to our ...