Personal Updates and Future Plans

I published my first post of this blog on the 01st of February last year.

When I began this blog I was unsure of the direction it would take. I was overwhelmed with the way God was working in my life and I desired to share some of those stories.

Combine that realization with a passion for writing and I decided that a personal blog would be the best way to achieve this.

The primary purpose of my blog has always been to observe God's grace in all areas of my life and share those stories with whoever wanted to listen.

I published 44 blog posts in 2018 on Harmony of Grace and got 2 articles published in SUMag, an online magazine aimed at youth pastors, teachers and parents.

As the year progressed, I mixed up the focus of my posts regularly, sometimes writing for the more "experienced Christian" and often writing lighter posts for the newer Christians and non-believers.

I do not write primarily so that others can read it. Writing brings me great joy and is a passion that I have had for a long time.

If my writing happens to inspire someone along the way or help someone through a difficult time, that is an awesome bonus! The support that I have received from readers over the past year has been extraordinary and I am grateful for every bit of feedback, advice or comment.

Finally, I would like to mention some of my plans for 2019. In addition to writing regular blog posts starting later this week, I will continue writing for SUMag. Over the past couple of years, I have accumulated a collection of fictional story ideas that I would like to begin putting onto a page. I will also be entering one or two short story writing competitions.

Thank you for sticking with me through this journey. I am excited to discover what God has planned for 2019 and I can't wait to share it with you!


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