Saying Grace

Most Christian children are taught to say grace before meals. The obvious reason for this is to show our gratitude to God for the food that we are about receive. The practice come from the Latin gratiarum actio , meaning "act of thanks." I believe that there is more to saying grace than just offering thanks. As we quieten ourselves before a meal, we are acknowledging Christ's presence with us in that moment. When Jesus shared in the first Holy Communion with his closest friends at the last supper, he declared that they should do the same, as often as they can, in remembrance of him. Most churches officially participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion once a month or even weekly in some contexts. Some Christian communities share the Eucharist together every day, sometimes even two or three times a day! While we may not follow the official communion liturgy or practice every time we break bread and drink wine together, perhaps our act of saying grace before a meal can ...